During the past 18 months, the City of Lynn, through the Lynn Housing Authority and Neighborhood Development (LHAND) and in collaboration with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), has facilitated a community driven effort to develop a strategy to guide housing development. The process, known a Housing Lynn, has reached its next phase. MAPC has released the Draft Report, Housing Lynn: A plan for inclusive growth for public comment.
The 14-day public comment period for Housing Lynn: A plan for inclusive growth has been extended until Thursday, January 28, 2021.  Written comments may be submitted directly to MAPC or to the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber will be compiling feedback and submitting to MAPC as well.
Please keep in mind this housing production plan will be used by the City as a guide to pursue recommendations that were established through the year long process. Most recommendations will require further public input, policy development, and Council action for implementation.
Visit mapc.org/housing-lynn to review the plan! In addition to the full document and a robust executive summary in both English and Spanish, you will see a new a one-page overview of the plan.
Thank you for your input!