The Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce hosts its Annual Meeting and Business Excellence Awards dinner each year. This event attracts over 250 attendees annually. Networking, toasting the past year’s accomplishments, and inducting a new slate of officers and Board of Directors embodies the annual meeting portion of the night.
The Annual Meeting also celebrates the incredible accomplishments of our members with our Business Excellence Awards. Members are nominated in thirteen categories – Businessman of the Year, Businesswoman of the Year, Business of the Year (Large & Small), Non-Profit Recognition Award, “Bill Terlecky” Rookie of the Year Award, “Buddy Fennell” Hall of Fame, “David Solimine Sr.” Community Service Award, “Carol Vasapolli” GLCC Volunteer of the Year, Employee of the Year, Lynn City Pride, as well as the Lynnfield, Nahant, Saugus, and Swampscott Town Pride Awards.
Upcoming Annual Meeting & Business Excellence Awards
2024 Business Excellence Award Recipients:
Lynn City Pride Award Recipient:
Economic Development & Industrial Corporation of Lynn
Teresa Digregorio & Antonio Gutierrez, Lynn Youth Street Outreach Advocacy (LYSOA)
Lynnfield Town Pride Award Recipient:
Patrick Lamusta, Lynnfield High School Coach/Teacher
Nahant Town Pride Award Recipient:
Brett Henry, Catering by Brett Henry
Gennaro Anguilo, GJ Towing & Carting
Saugus Town Pride Award Recipient:
Nick Graffeo, “The Graff Report:
“Buddy Fennell” Hall of Fame Awards:
George Sonia, Lancelot Janitorial & Paper Products
“David J. Solimine Sr.” Community Service Award:
The Walsh Family, John’s Oil
Employee of the Year Award Recipient:
Kerry Ranieri, Reading Cooperative Bank
“Bill Terlecky” Rookie of the Year Award Recipient:
Roger Garcia, April’s Pub & Grill
Nonprofit of the Year Award Recipient:
My Brother’s Table
Small Business of the Year Award Recipient:
Essex Apothecary
Large Business of the Year Award Recipient:
Pride Motor Group
Businessman of the Year Award Recipient:
Bob Stillian, Old Tyme Italian Cuisine
Businesswoman of the Year Award Recipient:
Lauren Bateman, LB Music School
2024 Chairman’s Award:
Alexis Kievning, GE Aerospace