Economic Development & Planning Committee Meeting
Wednesday, June 1 | 8:30-9:30 am
The meeting will be held in-person at the Brotherhood Credit Union Conference Room (75 Market St., Lynn) and online via zoom.
Guest Speaker: Jim Boudrot, Executive Vice President, Hunneman (Innovative Commercial Real Estate company).
Jim specializes in the leasing and sales of office, R&D, and lab space in the Greater Boston market, with a focus on technology, software, medical devices, robotics, big data, cloud, and life science companies. He will be sharing his knowledge and insights with the committee with the goal of assessing the community readiness to advance these industries within the Greater Lynn community.
About the EDP Committee:
Chair: Glenn Morris (Morris Architects)
Open to All Members
Meeting Time: 1st Wednesday of each month @ 8:30am
The Economic Development and Planning Committee (EDP) provides direction and advisement to public and private developers as well as state/local government on zoning, resource allocation, city planning, and transportation-related issues. The EDP Committee provides a venue for business and government to collaborate towards improving economic vitality for the entire community.