SunRun Solar: First 6 months of electricity for $1 / month if you qualify
PROMO 2/7-2/19
I have a HUGE goal I am trying to achieve and success will benefit you greatly. Extended to Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce members.
Many of you know that there are ways to upgrade your home with renewable energy at zero cost, utilizing the current SMART program. Those homes that qualify are able to lower their monthly electricity bill, have a predictable fixed rate for electricity, protect themselves from the absurd increases we have all experienced as of late, and help our planet.
I have been tasked with helping at least 5 more homes in MA and NH within the next 12 days. This goal is for the weeks 2/7-2/19!
There is zero commitment. Get information and see if your home qualifies. Then you can make the decision to move forward.
* Must be a homeowner
* Must have Nat Grid, EverSource or Liberty
PROMO ☀️☀️☀️ If your home does qualify and you decide to make the great decision to save our planet and your wallet, first 6 months of electricity for $1 each month.
Call/text Brianna Trahant, SunRun Solar: 781-248-9658